Monday, November 23, 2009

Vancouver CC hosts Canada/Japan exhibition

Team Canada skip Jim Armstrong returned to the club displaying many of his achievements as an able-bodied curler, in an exhibition match against Paralympic contenders Japan.

It was not a happy home-coming, as Team Canada lost 8-3. The ice was reported as extremely fast, and either Japan adjusted to the challenging conditions, or Canada found it hard to believe the broom. Either way, Jim had a tough game, short on a draw for an additional point in 3, short in the 6th to give up a steal of 1, and missing an open hit in 7 to give up 3.

CAN    1  0  1  0  1  0  0  0    3
 JAP    0  2  0  1  0  1  3  1    8

Since the employment of Chris Daw as Manager, the entire lower level of the Vancouver CC has been made wheelchair accessible. The club welcomes wheelchair users and will be hosting curling events n the new year aimed at disabled curlers inspired to try out the sport by the publicity surrounding the Paralympics.

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