The same players competed as Great Britain in the recent Richmond Cashspiel: Michael McCreadie (skip), Aileen Nielson, Tom Killin, Jim Sellar and Rosemary Lenton, with coach Tom Pendreigh. [Read more on the Scottish selection]
This blog complemented the news and articles on wheelchaircurling.com. It was my contribution to the attempt to make curling the winter recreation of choice for Canadian wheelchair users.
So, the Candian team is ??????????
I could tell you but then I'd have to k.... oh, never mind. Hopefully we'll all find out tomorrow.
I think the CANADIAN team is
Armstrong (for sure)
Neighbour (for sure)
Forrest (for sure)
Gaudet (for sure...if a second female)
Yizek......team that was tried in Richmond, probably to give Armstrong a look at Yizek.
Don't think for a minute, that the final spot will be determined without asking Armstrong
Have you talked to Coach Rae? Or Wendy?
Or Armstrong?
I guess Angie has pissed somebody off! Don't be any good at anything and pissed off the coaches, nice to see the same things happen elsewhere as it does here.
Angie Malone, who played lead on the silver medal team in Torino, has been facing some health challenges which may have affected her status with the British Paralympic program though I do not know that as a fact. She did, however, skip the winning team at the British Open at the end of November - see blog post for November 30.
What's with every thread about Armstrong?
He obviously has a history in able-bodied curling, But this is only his FIRST YEAR in wheelchair curing......come on, he can't be that good........
AND OUR TEAM IS............
Calls to the eight candidates are in the process of being made and not everyone has been contacted as of early Thursday morning, so no announcement until that happens.
And the Team is.....
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